Sean Keller

Chief of Staff

NMLS# 2188369



How borrowers can help make the mortgage application process go smoother

How borrowers can help make the mortgage application process go smoother

By Jon Coile                                                                     

Mar 11, 2018 |

How Much Certain Things Will Affect My Credit Score

How Much Certain Things Will Affect My Credit Score

How Much Certain Things Will Affect My Credit ScoreCourtesy of Advantage Credit, Inc.This is probably the biggest question we get in the credit reporting industry, “how much will (blank) affect my credit score?” You can fill in the blank with

Aug 01, 2016 |

Biggest Mistakes Sellers Make

Biggest Mistakes Sellers Make

Data provided by ActiveRain is an online community of real estate professionals who exchange best practices, write real estate blogs, and get free education from the industry and their peers.  

Jan 26, 2014 |

Freddie Repays Taxpayers; Fannie is Close

Freddie Repays Taxpayers; Fannie is Close

Freddie Repays Taxpayers; Fannie is Close

Nov 09, 2013 | taxpayer bailout, freddie mac, fannie mae

Important Updates to FHA and USDA Loans

Important Updates to FHA and USDA Loans

       Important Updates  

Apr 06, 2013 |

6 Ideas to Help you Save

6 Ideas to Help you Save

For most of us spending money is a lot more fun than saving money. However most, if not all, wish that we would have saved more by now. Here are a few helpful ideas about saving: 1. Set Goals If you are saving for retirement, a new car, college, a we

Nov 13, 2012 | saving tips